Content Creation

Design principles for content creation.

     Design principles are guidelines, biases and design considerations that designers apply with discretion and a set of values that act as a compass for your product There is three design principles for content creation, that is :
1. Informative : How content gives clear information.
2. Persuasive : How content persuades the audience to like your post.
3. Identity : How content delivers a unique style of the creator.

     And this is three images that in my opinion has a three design princples. Why i think this is has three design princples? Because in that content, there is a information that content creator gives about the product, the price of product, and a benefit of product. And then from the information in the images, it makes audience interested and influenced to buy our product. And there is a identity of product listed on the images.

And this is two images that follow the AIDA princples.


Attention : The model (Iqbaal Ramadhan)
Interest : Coffee packaging
Desire: The words (Caffino, Kopi ala Cafe                     pertama di Indonesia memiliki rasa                   Authentic dengan campuran kopi,                     Susu, dan Cream yang pas dan asli.                 cocok untuk pencinta kopi. Kini hadir               dengan berbagai varian rasa.)
Action: Caffino's Instagram account.                             (


Attention : The model (Velove Vexia).
Interest : The bottle of Floridina.
Desire : The words (Jeruknya Jelas Florida                    Orange).
Action : Social media account of Floridina.

PPT Digital Literacy Week 3

Aqira Siti Maryam
VCD Class 1